Water is essential to our lives. That’s why we produce quality bottled water that meets the highest safety standards.
Ensuring Our
 Water Quality
Environmental, social, and governance principles are central to our commitment to sustainable growth. We meet food and beverage standards set by the FDA, IBWA, WQA, and state agencies to ensure safe drinking water for consumers.
State Agency Compliance
All of our bottled water products meet all food regulations under the jurisdiction of state authorities – typically environmental, food and agricultural agencies – where our products are made or distributed.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Compliance
The FDA regulates bottled water products as a food and sets strict standards to protect consumers and ensure that our products are safe to drink. These standards are administered under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. All of our bottled water products meet all applicable FDA food and beverage regulations.
In addition, the FDA and other independent third-party auditing bodies periodically inspect our production facilities to ensure compliance with applicable state and federal bottled water regulatory standards.
The FDA regulates bottled water products as a food and sets strict standards to protect consumers and ensure that our products are safe to drink. These standards are administered under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. All of our bottled water products meet all applicable FDA food and beverage regulations.
In addition, the FDA and other independent third-party auditing bodies periodically inspect our production facilities to ensure compliance with applicable state and federal bottled water regulatory standards.

Water Quality Association (WQA)
Comprised of 2,500+ members representing the residential, commercial and industrial water treatment industry, the WQA promotes better water quality worldwide. As a WQA member, we operate as a responsible company that meets all WQA standards set for water treatment and conditioning.
Comprised of 2,500+ members representing the residential, commercial and industrial water treatment industry, the WQA promotes better water quality worldwide. As a WQA member, we operate as a responsible company that meets all WQA standards set for water treatment and conditioning.

International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) Compliance
As a member of the IBWA, we adhere to the organization's strict Bottled Water Code of Practice and its rigorous standards. All of our bottled water products meet all applicable IBWA standards, which in some instances are more stringent than those set by the FDA.
For example, we adhere to IBWA water reduction efficiency standards, and we select and carefully monitor our water sources to ensure consistent quality and sustainable yield.
As a member of the IBWA, we adhere to the organization's strict Bottled Water Code of Practice and its rigorous standards. All of our bottled water products meet all applicable IBWA standards, which in some instances are more stringent than those set by the FDA.
For example, we adhere to IBWA water reduction efficiency standards, and we select and carefully monitor our water sources to ensure consistent quality and sustainable yield.

Third-Party Water Quality Testing
Our bottled water production plants are inspected annually by independent, third-party organizations.
We use certified laboratories to perform extensive tests on our water sources and bottled water products to routinely monitor compliance with all applicable.