
Primo Launches New First Steps Water Dispenser

APRIL 23, 2019

In 2019, there has been an unapologetic emphasis on convenience. Whether it’s more self-checkout stations at stores, online grocery shopping, or faster delivery services, we’re always looking for the most efficient avenues to navigate through our hectic lives. And if you’re the appointed Parental Figurehead of a brand-new Tiny Human, you know this feeling all too well.

There’s always been a lot of pressure to get this whole parenting thing down pat. That’s why Primo® Water is rolling out a brand-new dispenser designed with new parents in mind. We want to spark BIG change in your life, because you and your little one deserve it through and through.


As the newly-appointed Parental Figurehead, you’re constantly making baby formula and lots of it. Our new First Steps Bottom-Loading water dispenser is the perfect solution to your formula needs, because it offers baby formula-ready water at the touch of a button. You heard it right—warm water (98.6 – 104° Fahrenheit) that’s specifically designed for mixing baby formula. Now, those late-night feedings can become quicker and easier, leaving you time for the big stuff, like bonding with your little one. Or sleeping…remember that? 

With Primo, it’s a no-brainer that you’ll get better, safer water every time. This dispenser’s self-sanitizing function that boils water in a warm water reservoir to ensure quality makes sure of it. And with its LED nightlight, those late-night feedings will get a little brighter. The dispenser also offers cold water and piping-hot water, great for the busy-bee parents who need more energy and focus—two things you get when you drink more water. And, it loads either 3 or 5-gallon bottles of Primo® Water. So, no matter how you spin it, this dispenser is a win-win, especially because of its simple, no-tools-required set up and easy bottom-loading design.


Simply put, our water is a reliable, safer option for mixing baby formula. Did you know that public water supply is too heavily fluoridated for infants? Over-consumption of fluoride could cause a cosmetic condition later on in life called enamel fluorosis which affects the coloration of their adult teeth. And, tap water could contain harmful levels of lead, harmful chemicals and microorganisms. Even if you boil the water before mixing formula, that could end up increasing the concentration of minerals and nitrites—things babies cannot absorb, thus putting them at a higher risk for nitrite poisoning. 

Luckily, we’ve set in place a 5-step purification process that removes fluoride, heavy metals and nitrites from our water. That leaves you with refreshing, safer water…and more peace-of-mind. And thanks to this dispenser, you can begin to feel more confident in your new role as Parental Figurehead as you watch your Tiny Human start to grow and like you BIG time.

No matter what, you’ll be feeling like Parental Figurehead of the year—even when 3 a.m.-duty calls. That’s what we call The Primo Effect. Explore our website to learn more and get your very own First Steps Bottom-Loading water dispenser, and find out where to get Primo® Water near you.

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